
Kayak Locations

We have three single kayaks (two yellow and one orange) and one double kayak (turquoise). They are located in Stalls E50, E51, E52, and E53 in the southwest corner of the compound, to the west of the JSC main building.

kayaks on rack

Special Instructions

The paddles are stored in the club room.

Please rinse paddles and the kayaks inside and out with fresh water at a hose station after each use.

Kayaking is an enjoyable way to spend time on the water, particularly on those frequent calm summer evenings. The club’s kayaks can also be reserved and taken for overnight trips.

002Paddles, paddle skirts, paddle floats, pumps, and safety lines are to be found in the clubroom. Please remember to take along safety equipment when you go out paddling, especially when you venture out further.

The Canadian Coast Guard requires you to carry the following equipment on each kayak:

  • A PFD
  • A sounding device (whistle)
  • A spare paddle (1/2 paddle)
  • A pump (or bailing device)
  • A buoyant safety line of at least 30 ft
  • A paddle float

Jericho Beach Kayak Centre offers kayaking classes out of the JSC, so if you don’t know how to do a self rescue, we urge you to take one of their courses.

Take-away Policy

Each family can book and take away either 2 single or 1 double kayak once a year for a maximum of 1 week. There should always be two (2) single or one double kayak available at Jericho for other members to use.

Please check for availability and book through the club president.

When you take away the kayaks:

  • Advise the club president and enter the dates when the kayaks are away in the log book in the club room.
  • There are foam moulds for two kayaks available for transport on car roofs or roof racks.

When you return the kayaks:

  • Please take inventory of all the equipment you took and return it all.
  • Members are responsible for missing or lost equipment and must replace it.