Companionway club room

The sails, paddles, and other equipment for the boats and boards are located in the club room within the Jericho Sailing Centre.

 Please remember the following responsibilities:

  • All boats must be in the charge of a Companionway member.
  • Please sign out and sign in all boats, boards, and kayaks when in use (the log book is kept in the club room). Write your initial and family name clearly in the Skipper’s column.
  • Please specify which board, paddle, or sailboard you are using.
  • Please report any damage or loss of equipment to the president and add a note to the Repair Log kept in the club room.
  • After each use, please ensure that you rinse off all equipment with fresh water at a hose station so it is free of sand and saltwater, and that the equipment is packed properly and stored in the club room in its proper location.
  • Please remember that you are responsible for the safe return of the boat and its equipment.
  • Please treat all boats and all club-owned equipment like they were your own and contribute to the cleaning and maintenance of the same.
  • Parents are responsible for their children using any watercraft and are expected to be present and supervise.
  • Equipment that is broken or lost due to negligence is to be replaced by the member who signed out the boat.

When heading out on the water, you are responsible for your own and your crew’s safety:

  • Always wear a PFD (personal flotation device).
  • Take a whistle.
  • Carry a bailer.
  • Carry a paddle.

For more information about safety equipment, please see the Transport Canada Marine Safety Site and the Transport Canada Safe Boating Guide.

Here is our current fleet. The linked pages provide details of each craft owned by Companionway, their locations, and rigging instructions. We ask that you please familiarize yourselves thoroughly with the craft you are using before you take it out on the water. Please contact the Companionway president if you have any questions.

Companionway boats in the yard